
Adult Happy Meal of the day

3 weeks ago

A healthy breakfast provides the necessary energy after night-time breaks and allows the body and brain to restart at best thanks to the supply of different nutrients.

During fasting, our body uses the liver sugar reserves that are awakening during the run-up. If we do not refocus with a good breakfast, we go for a compensation mechanism by burning muscle proteins and in lesser amounts of reserve fats to produce energy.

In addition, after prolonged fasting, they tend to eat a large lunch and dinner, resulting in massive energy storage in the form of fat. An adequate breakfast helps to increase the sense of satiety throughout the day, encouraging the regularity of meals.

It is now proven that those who do not have breakfast have more difficulty in controlling their weight and tend to adopt bad habits, which can lead to serious illness.

According to a study conducted by the Harward Medical School, it is believed that those who have breakfast have a low risk of developing obesity than those who jump on it.

" Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is important not only because it makes it possible for a better physical and mental performance, but also because it promotes the possibility of a balanced division of all latest meals, for the sake of our well-being. "


Few adult happy meals should start our day with


1. Honey with Warm Water

2. Eggs

3. Milk

4. Cheese

5. Oatmeal

6. Fresh Fruit or Juice

7. Dates

8. Nuts & Seeds

9. Green Tea

10. Coffee

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