
Essential Tips for Starting Your Weight Loss Journey

3 months ago

Weight loss journey is not an easy task for Obesity. Obesity is a complex health issue in every country. Behaviours encompass a range of actions such as physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, eating habits, medication usage, and other exposures. Additional factors contributing to these behaviours include the food and physical activity environment, education level, skills, and food marketing and promotion.

Obesity is a significant concern due to its association with adverse mental health effects and diminished quality of life. Obesity is also associated with the leading causes of death worldwide, including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer.

1. Eat Slowly

Slowly eating can affect weight loss journey because it can reduce calorie intake. We need to chew slowly, swallow only when the food is all chewed up, and repeat. It takes time to know we're full. Consuming food at a slower pace not only enhances our enjoyment of meals but also provides us with clearer signals of satiety.

2. Don’t skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast will not help you lose weight. If you skip meals, you might miss out on important nutrients, leading to increased snacking throughout the day due to hunger.

3. Eat regular meals

Consuming meals at consistent intervals throughout the day aids in burning calories more efficiently. Additionally, it diminishes the urge to snack on high-fat and high-sugar foods. That’s help to digestion and consumption of food. Which keep healthy your body.

4. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetable

Fruit and vegetables are low in calories and fat, and high in fibre – 3 essential ingredients for successful weight loss. They also contain plenty of vitamins and minerals.

5. Drink plenty of water

People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. Sometimes, you might consume extra calories when what you truly need is just a glass of water.

6. Eat high fibrous foods

Which foods contain lots of fibre can help keep you feeling full, which is perfect for losing weight. Fibre is only found in food from plants, such as fruits and vegetables, oats, wholegrain, brown, rice and pasta, beans, peas and lentils. 

7. Read food labels

Understanding how to interpret food labels can assist you in selecting healthier choices. Utilize the calorie information to determine how a specific food aligns with your daily calorie allowance on the weight loss program.

8. Use a smaller plate
Opting for smaller plates can assist in reducing portion sizes. By utilizing smaller plates and bowls, you can gradually acclimate to eating smaller portions without feeling deprived. Remember, it takes approximately 20 minutes for the stomach to signal to the brain that it's full, so eat slowly and stop before you reach the point of feeling full.

" A weight loss journey has many ways to lose weight loss can be achieved through changing eating habits and lifestyle, maintaining calorie intake and burning extra calories, regular exercise and physical activity, mindfulness etc. Fasting diets such as intermittent fasting diet is also useful for weight loss. "


9. Skip the Liquid Calories

If you regularly have a sip of something sweet, consider this: Research has shown that it can result in meaningful weight loss, even if it's the only change you make.
Switching a daily 20-ounce soda with sparkling water could save over 20,000 calories in just a few months, potentially resulting in more than five pounds of weight loss.

10. Exercise Anything That Moves

Do exercise in bed, while seated, standing, or walking. Just move. Many people mistakenly believe that five minutes doesn't make a significant impact, but in reality, every minute counts.

11. Stay Hydrated

Research has found that people who drank two glasses of water before a meal lose more weight than people who didn’t drink water before meals — and they kept it off. This simple tip works in two ways. Thirst can mask itself as hunger, causing you to eat more. And water makes you feel fuller, causing you to eat less during a meal.

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